Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bumpers and bars delivered today. Hoping for the rest of the delivery this coming week. Website is underway.
No WOD for me today, trying to fight a mild virus. Bridge WOD in @ 9am if you want to join me :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
It's test week this week. This has been the most challenging mod for me so far. Traditional Chinese Medicine is completely off my radar so it has been tough trying to stay focused. I made it through the nervous system and the double presentation just fine. Two more tests this week and then 5 more weeks of instruction. Then after that I am free to study for the national exam and finish the business planning. I cant wait until I can finally focus on my training again. I'm still waiting on the equipment to come in, there has been a delay since some things were on back order, but I did get some tracking numbers today. Work out Wed @ 4 and Sat at 9 am at the bridge.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Happy weekend, everyone!
Today's bridge WOD was a rerun of my workout from Thursday, sub thrusters for squats. Thanks to the new visitors who came by. I'm still just starting out basically on programming so I think the best thing is to do the WOD before I prescribe it.
I'm excited to be starting a new book this weekend since I keep picking up and re-reading The Paleo Solution. My good friend Ricky Joe suggested I read Born to Run. Apparently it is already a well known book with a cult following and its still only available in hardback. I am excited for two reasons. One I have been loving my runs lately and Im ready for some motivation to get out and up the milage. Two, I have become fascinated by the foot and the problems improper foot function causes for mobility. This is a story that takes running back to it's roots and researches it's most ancient history. And of course a must for me is humor which I am assured the author has covered. I'll post a review here when I have finished it.
Today's bridge WOD was a rerun of my workout from Thursday, sub thrusters for squats. Thanks to the new visitors who came by. I'm still just starting out basically on programming so I think the best thing is to do the WOD before I prescribe it.
I'm excited to be starting a new book this weekend since I keep picking up and re-reading The Paleo Solution. My good friend Ricky Joe suggested I read Born to Run. Apparently it is already a well known book with a cult following and its still only available in hardback. I am excited for two reasons. One I have been loving my runs lately and Im ready for some motivation to get out and up the milage. Two, I have become fascinated by the foot and the problems improper foot function causes for mobility. This is a story that takes running back to it's roots and researches it's most ancient history. And of course a must for me is humor which I am assured the author has covered. I'll post a review here when I have finished it.
Go Karts and Legos for the kiddos this weekend. I know I have told some of you about my good friend Danalynn who is amping up to start her holistic health, yoga, hypnosis, birthing, and much more business around the time my new affiliate opens. She is looking in to and making contact with people about crossfit yoga. Super excited to have her close by, she is a wealth of knowledge and positive energy. Friend her on facebook, you wont regret it. Find her via my friends. And finally... Big happy 3rd birthday going out to the sweetest kid ever Jacob McKinnon.
Logan and Troy hit the speedpark
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Squat clean 5-5-5-3-3-1-1-1
4 rft
10 squat clean (65#)
50 double unders
25 sit ups
400m run
Bridge WOD
Traverse bridge with 25# plate overhead carry (only progress with weight overhead)
50 squats w plate
Sprint bridge with plate
25 sots press with plate
**Starting Monday I will have 4:00 pm crossfit training sessions available, contact me for info.
Saturdays at 9 am still meeting Northwest side of Granada Bridge.
Squat clean 5-5-5-3-3-1-1-1
4 rft
10 squat clean (65#)
50 double unders
25 sit ups
400m run
Bridge WOD
Traverse bridge with 25# plate overhead carry (only progress with weight overhead)
50 squats w plate
Sprint bridge with plate
25 sots press with plate
**Starting Monday I will have 4:00 pm crossfit training sessions available, contact me for info.
Saturdays at 9 am still meeting Northwest side of Granada Bridge.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Beautiful morning at the bridge. Thanks to all who showed up it was so nice to see you all and play with you!
Warm up:
deck jog
step up to squat
K Starr mobility talk and practice
Tabata 4 corners
Southwest side: Bottom to Bottom squats
timed bridge sprint
Southeast side: burpees
Northeast side: pushups with plank hold
timed brigde sprint
Northwest side: split jumps
Warm up:
deck jog
step up to squat
K Starr mobility talk and practice
Tabata 4 corners
Southwest side: Bottom to Bottom squats
timed bridge sprint
Southeast side: burpees
Northeast side: pushups with plank hold
timed brigde sprint
Northwest side: split jumps
What are the chances the city of Ormond will allow me to lease the Yacht Club?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Well 4 days of Vegas and I am ready as ever for a 30 day challenge to get my health back. I indulged in about every sin city piece of excess that I could. Mimosa's at breakfast, cranberry and vodka in the casinos, bread and butter, desserts, escalators, and even people movers at the airport. I had a great time but I'm paying for the fun. My feet were swollen, I developed a little bit of a potbelly, no energy, and I had painful gas for the first time in over a year...on a plane. I haven't felt this unhealthy since pregnancy. So! 30 days strict paleo is underway beginning tomorrow morning.
1. 30 days strict paleo
2. 1 glass of dry red wine per week only
3. 3x daily fish oil (3000mg daily)
4. run 10 mi per week, pref. pre 1st meal
5. 5 WODs per week
6. food log must be kept
20 burpee penalty per non compliance to the guidelines
Monday, October 11, 2010
Paleo chocolate cookie thing-craving smasher*
1 cup almond flour
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
2 tbs cocoa powder
1 tbs coconut oil
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 egg
1 tbs vanilla extract
1/2 cup almond (any nut) butter
Sift the dry stuff, whip the wet stuff, combine and chill. Spoon on to a wax paper lined baking sheet and flatten. Bake @ 350 degrees for 10 min.
Off to Vegas till Friday evening. Bridge workout 9 am on Sat.
*Keep in mind this is in no way a balanced, healthy snack. However if you are trying your best to be strict its a great alternative to baking a batch of cookies with sugar and butter.
1 cup almond flour
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
2 tbs cocoa powder
1 tbs coconut oil
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 egg
1 tbs vanilla extract
1/2 cup almond (any nut) butter
Sift the dry stuff, whip the wet stuff, combine and chill. Spoon on to a wax paper lined baking sheet and flatten. Bake @ 350 degrees for 10 min.
Off to Vegas till Friday evening. Bridge workout 9 am on Sat.
*Keep in mind this is in no way a balanced, healthy snack. However if you are trying your best to be strict its a great alternative to baking a batch of cookies with sugar and butter.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Iron Curtain Weekend
Well I knew I was ill prepared for the RTG division but thats OK. I think it was a good thing that the muscle up test was the first thing on the menu. I am sure my back is not completely ready for competition but I figured if I did actually pull out three MUs that I would at least use the day for training. It was nice to at least be out and around my people it's pretty lonely as far as training goes around here. Congrats to all the girls who made it through all the RTG tests to compete. Special congrats to Mego who placed 9th in her first individual comp since the birth of her sweet baby, and to Jess who rocked out her first crossfit comp ever going RX the whole way. Awesome job, girls!
I know a lot of people were thinking I was hugely disappointed to not be competing but I was actually really pleased with the first mu attempt as crazy as that sounds. I thought for sure I was going to get on the rings and be no where close which is where I have been lately. I have rings hung in the garage but they are hung on the pull up bar so I don't have the headroom to hang them so that I can kip. I have been mostly working muscle memory for the transition and some strength by using the GSX scaling. I was really surprised when the kip actually came together for me and on the first attempt I was up there. My grip wasnt there for me though. I really don't like those rouge rings. I think the diameter of the ring is too big, and they are slippery. I was thinking about not purchasing those but it looks like they are becoming the rings used for most boxes/ comps so I probably should get at least one set.
Speaking of equipment purchases... I did get one thing accomplished before I took off to spend time with my baby boy. I pulled the trigger on some equipment from crossboxx. I now have 4 sets of bumpers, 4 bars, lots of kettlebells in various weights, jump ropes, and pull up assist bands. I also bought some leather hand guards to try out from rage fitness to see if I cant keep my hands rip free for a while. I also have a rower on it's way. Im getting there.

After a little while spectating I went ahead and high tailed it home to spend some time with Troy since I am going to miss him like mad next week. I love this time of year for the weather and the fun things that are planned for outdoors! Carnivals and wings and waves this weekend :) Have a great Sunday everyone!
Well I knew I was ill prepared for the RTG division but thats OK. I think it was a good thing that the muscle up test was the first thing on the menu. I am sure my back is not completely ready for competition but I figured if I did actually pull out three MUs that I would at least use the day for training. It was nice to at least be out and around my people it's pretty lonely as far as training goes around here. Congrats to all the girls who made it through all the RTG tests to compete. Special congrats to Mego who placed 9th in her first individual comp since the birth of her sweet baby, and to Jess who rocked out her first crossfit comp ever going RX the whole way. Awesome job, girls!
I know a lot of people were thinking I was hugely disappointed to not be competing but I was actually really pleased with the first mu attempt as crazy as that sounds. I thought for sure I was going to get on the rings and be no where close which is where I have been lately. I have rings hung in the garage but they are hung on the pull up bar so I don't have the headroom to hang them so that I can kip. I have been mostly working muscle memory for the transition and some strength by using the GSX scaling. I was really surprised when the kip actually came together for me and on the first attempt I was up there. My grip wasnt there for me though. I really don't like those rouge rings. I think the diameter of the ring is too big, and they are slippery. I was thinking about not purchasing those but it looks like they are becoming the rings used for most boxes/ comps so I probably should get at least one set.
Speaking of equipment purchases... I did get one thing accomplished before I took off to spend time with my baby boy. I pulled the trigger on some equipment from crossboxx. I now have 4 sets of bumpers, 4 bars, lots of kettlebells in various weights, jump ropes, and pull up assist bands. I also bought some leather hand guards to try out from rage fitness to see if I cant keep my hands rip free for a while. I also have a rower on it's way. Im getting there.

After a little while spectating I went ahead and high tailed it home to spend some time with Troy since I am going to miss him like mad next week. I love this time of year for the weather and the fun things that are planned for outdoors! Carnivals and wings and waves this weekend :) Have a great Sunday everyone!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
"Dirty Drawls" CF Jax
7 muscle ups (GSX mod- on knees slight bend in elbow in false grip use tops of toes to self spot)
25 double unders
10 squat cleans (115#)
20 burpees
5 muscle ups
50 double unders
15 G2O (95#)
15 burpees
3 muscle ups
75 double unders
20 thrusters (75#)
10 burpees
Sluggish! Feeling yesterday's ring push ups. I made sure to go slow and support as little as possible on the mu since I need it to be there for me on saturday. The barbell lifts felt really heavy. Just like everything lately, Im sure its from finding better form to protect my back. I can't comfortably go to my old "cheats." Bulging disk a blessing in a very painful disguise?? Burpees were slow but strong. This will likely be my last good WOD before the weekend. Going to do some runs and some technique and hope that I pass my RTG tests.
I love when creative people go paleo. Im hoping the school lunch break is a daily recipe swap cause this girl is good.
•2 or 3 heads of broccoli, depending on their size
•1 1/2 cup red or green grapes, halved;
•10 slices bacon;
•1/2 chopped onion;
•1/2 cup slivered or chopped almonds;
•1 1/4 cup paleo mayonnaise;
•1/4 cup lemon juice.
1.Place the slices of bacon in a large pan on medium heat and cook for about 8 minutes on each side until crispy.
2.While the bacon cooks, cut the broccoli in small florets. You can use the stalks as well, making sure to cut it in pieces about the same size as the florets.
3.Mix the florets with the almonds, chopped onion and halved grapes.
4.Once the bacon is cooked and crispy, crumble and add it to the salad.
5.In a separate bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the lemon juice.
6.Mix the dressing with the salad, mix well, serve and enjoy!
7 muscle ups (GSX mod- on knees slight bend in elbow in false grip use tops of toes to self spot)
25 double unders
10 squat cleans (115#)
20 burpees
5 muscle ups
50 double unders
15 G2O (95#)
15 burpees
3 muscle ups
75 double unders
20 thrusters (75#)
10 burpees
Sluggish! Feeling yesterday's ring push ups. I made sure to go slow and support as little as possible on the mu since I need it to be there for me on saturday. The barbell lifts felt really heavy. Just like everything lately, Im sure its from finding better form to protect my back. I can't comfortably go to my old "cheats." Bulging disk a blessing in a very painful disguise?? Burpees were slow but strong. This will likely be my last good WOD before the weekend. Going to do some runs and some technique and hope that I pass my RTG tests.
Paleo Broccoli Salad
by Danalynn
I love when creative people go paleo. Im hoping the school lunch break is a daily recipe swap cause this girl is good.
•2 or 3 heads of broccoli, depending on their size
•1 1/2 cup red or green grapes, halved;
•10 slices bacon;
•1/2 chopped onion;
•1/2 cup slivered or chopped almonds;
•1 1/4 cup paleo mayonnaise;
•1/4 cup lemon juice.
1.Place the slices of bacon in a large pan on medium heat and cook for about 8 minutes on each side until crispy.
2.While the bacon cooks, cut the broccoli in small florets. You can use the stalks as well, making sure to cut it in pieces about the same size as the florets.
3.Mix the florets with the almonds, chopped onion and halved grapes.
4.Once the bacon is cooked and crispy, crumble and add it to the salad.
5.In a separate bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the lemon juice.
6.Mix the dressing with the salad, mix well, serve and enjoy!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Troy's first day of gymnastics/ organized sports. I was so excited...I think almost as much as he was. I was the annoying mom who wanted to be on the floor watching. Nose pressed to the glass the whole time. Getting to re- live the fun stuff about being a kid is the best thing about having a kiddo.
After Troy's gymnastics, I had to get some too. Took a 2.2 mile run and a few bike rides then came home to do Jeff Tucker's gymnastics WOD. He posts them daily on facebook. Friend Crossfit Gymnastics Certification- Jeff Tucker.
10 V-outs
10 V-ups
10-1 Ring push ups (slow and controlled strong core)
This guy is my new favorite person. KStarr. He is my new mentor.
Monday, October 4, 2010
mobility (added the figure 8 as suggested by C. Brooks), OHS, HSPU, MU transition
If I were actually on track to be training for a comp I would be tapering. Really this is just a big lack of motivation happening here. I'm really unprepared physically and mentally for the IC.
Lessons of the Geese from insearchofmecafe on Vimeo.
"Lessons from the Geese" was printed on the back of one of my nervous system sheet last week. This vid gets a little lame right at the end, but I really like the message.
mobility (added the figure 8 as suggested by C. Brooks), OHS, HSPU, MU transition
If I were actually on track to be training for a comp I would be tapering. Really this is just a big lack of motivation happening here. I'm really unprepared physically and mentally for the IC.
Lessons of the Geese from insearchofmecafe on Vimeo.
"Lessons from the Geese" was printed on the back of one of my nervous system sheet last week. This vid gets a little lame right at the end, but I really like the message.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Big thank you to everyone who came out to the bridge to play today :)
Warm up:
squat technique, 10 super slow squats
3-5 walk-outs
As a two person team complete (while babysitting a 25# plate, one teammate must be holding the plate at all times, may switch as needed, reps may be performed with the plate)
100 lunges
bridge sprint
50 burpees
bridge sprint
100 squats (then drop the baby)
bridge sprint
50 burpees
bridge sprint
Meeting same place next week, northwest side of the bridge in the gardens parking lot. Bring sunscreen, friends and water.
Friday, October 1, 2010
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